Thursday, March 19, 2009

How we started:

Churches United for Fair Housing began in 2003 as a group of concerned members of local congregations who wanted to address the crisis concerning affordable housing. Since our founding, Churches United for Fair Housing has successfully advocated for the creation of thousands of new affordable housing units.

Our first significant victory occurred during the Williamsburg-Greenpoint waterfront re-zoning. The city first began its' proposed development with no planned affordable housing; and through our strategic agenda and mobilization of churches in the area, the final plan included a historic 33% affordable housing. At the end of the campaign, Mayor Michael Bloomberg publicly thanked Churches United for Fair Housing for helping broker the deal.

Since our waterfront victory, Churches United for Fair Housing has advocated for other projects throughout North Brooklyn and we continue to be an effective vehicle to ensure that housing, as well as new job opportunities come to the community. We have found truth in the old adage, "there is strength in numbers." And that strength is evern greater when the Spirit of God is our rock.

1 comment:

  1. Finally, this community has a place that can express the needs of the community that our most in need.
